Friday 22 May 2015

Support Parents & Carers Spotlight Day

Each year USDAW  holds a campaign day called Supporting Parents and Carers. Hundreds of reps and activists get involved by running campaigns at their workplaces.

This year’s campaign day is on Wednesday 24 June and the aim is to encourage members who are worried about changes to their jobs, hours of work or money to talk to Usdaw.

If you would like to get involved on Spotlight Day, you can do as much or as little as you like. Usdaw will send you everything you need to help you have a successful campaign.

You could:
  •     Give out leaflets to members about how Usdaw can help.
  •     Ask members and non-members to sign the pledge.
  •     Put a poster on your workplace noticeboard.
  •     Talk to members about the Union’s campaign.

You can also order your materials online to support your campaigning on the day. The Liberal Trade Unionists fully support USDAW in this campaign and urge our members to do whatever they can to get involved and to help their fellow workers.

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