What We Stand For

Liberal Trade Unionist Policy Introduction

As Liberals we reject a 'top down' approach, and listen to the voice of the individual. We take this approach into the Trade Union movement, believing the voice of the individual is important within the collective powers of a union. This means the voice of the ordinary rank and file union member is just as important as officialdom higher up the ladder. We feel this also needs reflecting in the salaries of leading union officials which are often beyond the dreams of large numbers of workers they represent.
In this, like radical Liberalism in general, the Liberal Trade Unionists offer a very 'bottom up' approach  which our policies are built upon.


1) Review all anti-Trade Union legislation introduced by Margaret Thatcher and continued by successive Conservative, Labour and Conservative-Lib Dem coalition governments.

2) Supporting those that defy anti-Trade Union legislation which prevents action in fighting to protect their jobs. 

3) The promoting of Trade Unionism within communities, and encouraging the formation of 'Community Sections' within all general unions.

4) A campaign to promote Trade Unionism within schools and colleges.

5) A Trade Union recruitment drive, targeting migrant workers,part-time workers, low-paid workers, the self employed and the unemployed. 

6) To tackle Trade Union 'careerism' by holding regular democratic elections and the right to recall of all Trade Union reps and officials, ensuring they represent the workers first.

7) To tackle the massive salaries of Trade Union officials, calling for them to be in greater relation to those workers they represent.

8) To make trade union membership affordable for all.

9) To support a stronger voice for Trades Councils and rank and file union members within the Trade Union movement.

10) The introduction of a Worker’s Charter, which clearly defines and safeguards workers and Trades Union rights. This charter would include the right of every worker to join or not to join a union, and democratic procedures for the conduct of ballots.

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