Saturday 25 April 2015

Fast Food Rights

Recently fast food workers in Britain joined a one day international protest for better pay. In London there was demonstrations at Mc.Donalds in Marble Arch where protestors successfully occupied the restaurant.  Thirty other protests took place across the country. This follows similar campaigns in the U.S.

The actions were supported by the Bakers Food & Allied Workers Union (BFAWU), War on want as well as other organisations and political parties. Ian Hodson, National President of the BFAWU, who joined protestors at Marble Arch said, 'We managed to get inside and block off the place for up to 15 minutes. The management then agreed to let their workers talk to unions in return for the protestors leaving'.

Although the Liberal Trade Unionists will not always agree in breaking the law, we fully endorse the protestors call for a £10 per hour living wage and an end to zero hours contracts. We believe these calls are fully justified with the enormous profits being made by fast food companies such as Mc.Donalds. Whilst we recognise Mc Donalds do offer their workers some concessions, these do nothing to offset the cost of living for the workforce or the immoral and unnecessary use of zero hours contracts.  

You can show your support for the campaign by  following the link below and completing the online endorsement.

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